Le Tribunal (chambre des pourvois) a rejeté le 14 décembre 2011 (affaire T-361/10 P) le pourvoi introduit par la Commission demandant l’annulation de l’arrêt du Tribunal de la fonction publique de l’Union européenne du 15 juin 2010, Pachtitis/Commission (F?35/08). Cet arrêt a annulé les décisions de l’Office européen de sélection du personnel (EPSO) des 31 mai […]

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R&D and all Trade Unions of all European Institutions in a Common Front are promoting a discussion on the reform and the proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and the Council amending the Staff Regulations of Officials and the Conditions of Employment of Other Servants of the European Union on www.weuropa.eu and www.youtube.com/STOPdismantlingEU   […]

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Meetings with Staff Representatives (held on 15, 16, 20, 29, 30 September and 6 October) focused on issues related to: The Method – A new and improved Method for adjusting remuneration and pensions which simplifies the process by modifying certain parameters, and introduces a new exception clause; Retirement and pensions – The adaptation of the methodology […]

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