Dans une note au personnel du Parlement, le Président Buzek se félicite de la décision prise par la Commission, le 6 janvier dernier, de présenter un recours en annulation contre le règlement du Conseil adaptant les rémunérations et pensions des fonctionnaires et autres agents des Institutions.


Dear Members of Staff,

Let me assure you that as President of the European Parliament, and after meeting with the representatives of the trade unions, I support the court case against the Council’s decision not to apply the method for the annual pay adaptation. This is a matter of applying a binding method, of respecting Community law and of respecting an agreement adopted in 2004.

Parliament’s Legal Affairs Committee is examining the question as to whether the European Parliament can join the Commission’s court case against the Council.

I am monitoring the situation and its development closely with the assistance of our Secretary-General. I will continue to keep in close contact with the staff committee and trade union representatives and we will keep you informed when we have further information.

Yours and best wishes for the New Year,

Jerzy Buzek
