I nuovi obblighi fiscali per il personale UE residente all’estero ma con domicilio fiscale in Italia Mercoledi 12 Giugno 2024 – Ore 13h00 – 14h30 WEBINAR HYBRID Grande salle du CCP : Rue Joseph II, 79 —Rue de la loi, 80, B-1040 Bruxelles Presentazione Q&A-Domande-dei-partecipanti-Webinar-I-nuovi-obblighi-fiscali.pdf Memorandum per Funzionari UE 2024 Allegato 2 esempio invito a […]

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Note for the attention of Mr Johannes HAHN,Commissioner for Budget and Administration Subject: Delay in the construction of the 5th European School and urgent need to address overcrowding in all Brussels ES Dear Commissioner, As regards the FUTURE of European Schools System (ESS) we are delighted that our requests have been heard R&D has always […]

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