R&D Leaflets
26.10.00 Support For Our Colleagues In Ivory Coast
26.10.00 Annual Pay Review: +2.1%
23.10.00 Staff Working Outside The E.U.: Elections
28.09.00 Equal pay for equal work?
26.09.00 The Uccle School is closed, and what is the Commission doing about it?
25.09.00 Pre-Retirement/Redundancy : Admission Of Incompetence Or A ‘Modern’ Instrument Of ‘Personnel Policy’?
14.09.00 Privatisation, dysfunctioning, and the law of silence: the lessons of the past are just not getting through!
31.07.00 Letter to "The Guardian" in London
25.07.00 Belgian Local Elections
22.06.00 Resumption of Social Dialogue in the External Relations Service
30.05.00 R&D’s Response To Staff Demand
26.05.00 Press Release
23.05.00 ‘Promotion Should Be Based On Merit’ (Neil Kinnock, White Paper 1st March 2000)
14.04.00 Letter to To Members of the European Parliament
14.04.00 Which Reform For Which Commission?
(Summary of R&D proposals drawn up in response to the 1 March 2000 White Paper)
04.04.00 Selection of the new Director-General of DG Research
23.03.00 MERIT in Kinnockspeak: fine, new words – but it’s the same, old story!