MERIT in Kinnockspeak: fine, new words – but it’s the same, old story!
Brussels, 23 March 2000

Neil Kinnock is doing his damnedest to ‘modernise’ the European public service. All civil servants have been urged to give their opinions on, or to be informed about, the proposed reforms: this has taken a variety of forms including numerous memos circulated ‘to all staff’, consultation exercises within services, questionnaires sent by external firms to ‘judiciously’ selected civil servants, lunchtime conferences with ‘so-called’ experts in the field, consultations with the trade unions, and mass meetings of staff.

The White Paper has been published, and we are all about to be reformed and modernised, our careers based solely on merit, and appointment procedures made squeaky-clean transparent. Old-style practices (particularly the reprehensible practice of ‘parachutages’) that went out of the window just a year ago with the fall of the ‘Santer’ Commission – of which Mr Kinnock was, of course, an eminent member – are clearly things of the past…

Sadly, it is becoming increasingly clear that Mr Kinnock wants to change everything – so that things stay exactly the same – particularly as far as old habits are concerned. Here are two examples of what we mean:

1) On 20 October 2000, R&D sent a letter to Neil Kinnock drawing his attention to the offer of one (two) A2 post(s) in DG MARKT, Directorate of ‘Financial Institutions’. According to information that has come into R&D’s possession, the considerable delay in advertising this post was due to the fact that enough time had to pass for the person who had been ‘sounded out’ to gain the minimum professional experience demanded by staff regulations (i.e. two years at A3). It goes without saying that the ‘sounded out’ candidate had worked in the office of the President of the previous Commission.

R&D has just learned from the minutes of meeting 1471 of the Commission on 21 March 2000 (PV(2000) 1471), item 8, Administrative and various budgetary questions (SEC(2000) 472/2), that when the Commission was presented with six candidates for the post of A2 Director DG MARKTE.F, it decided to appoint the person that R&D had been suggesting to Mr Kinnock since October 1999. Just another example, it seems, of an ‘over-transparent’ appointment procedure!

2) At their meeting held on 23 March 2000 to discuss the offer of three A2 Director posts in Directorates B, C and E in DG Eurostat (see SEC(2000)1471, item 8, 5), Chefs de Cabinet suggested that the Commission should pass simultaneously to phases in articles 29§1c and 29§2 of the Staff Regulations so as to broaden the range of applications without removing those already made under article 29§1a.

Reliance on external recruitment (article 29§2) can only exacerbate the demotivation of DG Eurostat staff, and particularly its 30 or so Heads of Unit; but above all, it runs the risk of further weakening the independence of our public service: not to put too fine a point on it, to whom will the fortunate individuals recruited from outside be accountable?

R&D again urges staff to make up their minds on the basis of objective facts – and not on promises and well-intentioned discourse, or the Commission’s desire for genuine reform and for a break with how things were done in the old days. R&D will certainly not be shirking its responsibilities, and will continue to denounce the ‘old practices’ of the ‘new’ Commission at all levels.

The Executive Committee

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Membres du Comité Exécutif: Ianniello Franco, Adurno Giuseppe, Zorbas Gerassimos, Ravagli Alessandra, Uguccioni Bruno, Docherty Michael, Vassila-Souyoul Erica, Bochu Claude, Drevet Jean-François, Napolitano Raffaele, Crespinet Alain, Domingos Dias.