Watch out for more details also in our "Renard" publication series


The new CDR : a major problem



>> 02 April 2009
CDR 2009: R&D working to make the Method works

This year's pay rise needs to compensate for some of the losses to our purchasing power that we suffered over the past few years! Between 2004 and 2007, EU staff lost 2.3% of their purchasing power in the framework of the actual application of the 'method' for annual salary adaptations, as combined with pension contribution increases and a 'special levy' imposed by the Kinnock reform that is increased every year until 2012 More about

>> 31 March 2009
CDR 2009: Iniquities and dangers of the present CDR Exercise

In the framework of the new CDR, some DGs will try (or are trying) to convince colleagues that getting 3 points is 'normal'- equivalent to 'medium/sufficient'. That is totally wrong!

More about

>> 18 March 2009
CDR 2009: Watch out for traps! practical advise

R&D refused this new system and pointed out its dangers to staff right from the start. R&D is engaging in information meetings with staff of all DGs and Commission sites. R&D experts accompany you at each and every stage of the procedure in order to help you to identify the traps of the new system and to avoid them. More about

>> 6 March 2009
CDR 2009: Assessment and careers: No transparency means abuse and cronyism !

As we were expecting, transparency is not the 1st quality of the new evaluation and promotion system. Most of you contact us to get help because of the difficulties encountered by the new system. As we are always at your service, R&D makes its specialists knowledge available through. Here are the planned information meetings: More about

>> 26 January 2009
CDR 2009: Assessment and careers: No transparency means abuse and cronyism !

Here are the initial problems and dangers that implementation of the scheme is already beginning to throw up:
- Dialogue with no “outcomes";
- Untenable comparison;
- Limited opportunities for appealing;
- Opportunities for extremely rapid career acceleration for some;
- Weighting of the three appraisal criteria;
- Excessive transparency and efficiency; More about

>> 26 January 2009

Despite the unanimous opposition from all the trade unions to the new appraisal and promotion system, the evaluation of thousands of colleagues has commenced without any prior testing, and without any assurance that all the essential elements of the procedure have been clarified. , is extremely aware of the confusion in which staff find themselves, and has decided to publish this “Renard Déchaîné” both to prepare colleagues and to be in a position to defend them. If improvements in terms of transparency and objectivity are not forthcoming from the ADMIN.

will not hesitate to call on staff to respond significantly. As the first part of the CDR is broadly similar the one carried out last year, readers will know very well how to structure their self-appraisals. More about

>> 12 December 2008
The new appraisal and promotion system. Going from VERY BAD to EVEN WORSE?

As soon as Vice-President Kallas arrived in post, he was able to identify the damage done by the appraisal and promotion system that had been ushered in to a fanfare of trumpets by his predecessor, Vice-President Kinnock. Kinnock, as everyone will recall, had promised every one of us a transparent rapid-career system. Sadly, we have (every one of us) had to deal with appraisal problems arising out of promotion, an arbitrary and random dose of priority points meted out by Directors-General, thresholds that have slipped further and further out of reach despite the fact that we have increased our contributions – just when you thought you’d been promoted.
And was it not the same Mr Kallas who was so quick to commission a report from an external consultant, which merely confirmed what all officials already knew about the damage caused by the CDR?
So it was decided to alter the “Kinnock System” radically... I More about

>> 7 avril 2008

Objet: Révision des modalités d'évaluation et de promotion – refus de l'Alliance. Pour en savoir plus

>> 29 janvier 2008

Après des longues négociations, un dialogue constructif et franc et suite aux pressions de R&D et de L'ALLIANCE, le Vice-président Kallas a finalement décidé d'introduire le nouveau REC en 2009. R&D se félicite de cette sage décision car la proposition actuelle n'est pas mûre et toutes les garanties demandées par l'Alliance ne sont pas réunies à ce stade. Pour en savoir plus
>> 15 janvier 2008
REC "light"– le compte à rebours est lancé

Le 9 janvier, une réunion de tous les syndicats avec le vice-président Siim Kallas a eu lieu dans le cadre du dialogue social sur un nouveau système d'évaluation et de promotion. M. Kallas semble très déterminé à vouloir introduire le nouveau REC dès 2008 couvrant la période d'évaluation 2007. Pour en savoir plus - voir aussi notre position sur le site le 15 janvier 2008 "Le nouveau REC : un enjeu majeur".


And to follow our past actions about CDR:

Abolition of CDR
New evaluation and promotion system to be introduced in 2008
CDR – Could the nightmare be coming to an end?
April 2007
R&D has developped a promotion calculator
CDR – 2001/2002 Evaluation period – Articles 26 and 43 of the Staff Regulations – Rights of the defence – Cancellation
R&D and the CDR 2005: First aid kit - the JEC
REC 2005 - Survival manual
R&D and the CDR 2005: Information meetings and Help Desk
R&D and the REC 2005 Survival manual for the external service personnel - Update 2005


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