Since its formation, R&D has worked unstintingly in the defence of the European civil service, and has directed its activities in such a way as to make its services useful to all staff in European Institutions.

As a democratic trade union, R&D is open to all, and offers services both to members and to any official who requests them.

At an early stage, R&D set up a legal assistance service that has proved to be immensely useful in proceedings between officials and the Administration.

R&D runs training courses which have been greatly appreciated by staff. These courses, which take the form of continuing vocational training, aim to provide effective assistance when preparing for internal and external competitions. They are given in priority to our members and are also available, free of charge, to others.

R&D also created a website in order to help you prepare online for the EPSO tests and competitions. You will be able to test yourself on European knowledge, verbal and numerical reasoning but also on specific questions for certains areas.

This range of services is currently complemented by additional back-up as follows:

  • an exclusive collaboration with EAS EUROPE – insurance broker specialised for several years in insurances tailored for European Union civil servants. This unique initiative will allow particularly attractive conditions only to members for a whole set of insurances and financial products.

  • a hospitalisation-insurance scheme negotiated with the mutual insurance company ETHIAS (for the members of R&D).

  • a harassment drop-in centre.

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contact us:   :+32(2)2955676