(DE) Warum sollten SIE einer Gewerkschaft (OSP) beitreten? 

(IT) Perché iscriversi ad un sindacato (OSP)?

(ES) ¿Por qué adherirse a un sindicato?


Why should YOU join a Trade Union (OSP)?

  • To defend your rights as an official;
  • To be involved and/or participate in the Social Dialogue at the European Commission;
  • To show solidarity with other colleagues;
  • To help re-establish the dignity and pride of EU officials;
  • To support the political project of a strong EU.


Why should YOU join R&D ?

R&D works in two spheres, representing staff on both political and personal issues


Political considerations

  • Because R&D is committed to defend the working rights of all staff in the European Civil Service, regardless of grade or type of contract;
  • Because R&D is committed to active involvement in staff representation at both the local and central levels to ensure that rules are respected;
  • Because R&D is committed to dialogue with the administration in the negotiation of new terms and conditions to ensure that our rights are NOT degraded;
  • Because R&D believes that the social dialogue with the Administration is crucial for our wellbeing at work;
  • Because R&D works in an environment of complete openness and transparency, with genuine dialogue of staff. Monday meetings of the Executive Committee are open to all members to participate;
  • Because R&D is the Number One Union with years of experience, and representing staff in the Commission in Brussels and Luxembourg, ISPRA, Council, Committee of the Regions and Economic and Social Committee and in the Trade Marks Agency in Alicante.


R&D has a highly qualified and motivated team ready to assist YOU on staff issues

Personal considerations

  • Practical assistance should you be unfortunate enough to encounter any trouble at work;
  • Help desk advice for CDR and promotion related problems;
  • Free legal advice (Thursday lunchtimes - by appointment only);
  • Special insurance rates negotiated for members (including legal cover, additional hospitalisation cover, motor vehicle, building cover, content cover, pension top-up …);
  • R&D is the only Union to offer FREE training courses for competitions;
  • Real possibility to express your views at the open Monday lunchtime meetings.


How does the Social Dialogue at the European Commission work ?

The following diagram shows the bodies involved in social dialogue and who does what:



Trade Unions

Executives elected by members

Social Dialogue

Negotiate rules

modifications or new ones


Local Staff Committees

Brussels, Lux, Geel, ISPRA, Petten, Karlsruhle, France, Outside Union


Directly elected by staff every 3 years (from Trade Union lists)


Local Level

Check established rules are respected

training, social actions, restaurants, security & hygiene, ….

Central Staff Committee

Members appointed from each Local Staff Committee

Central Level

Check established rules are respected

health insurance, grading, promotions,


The Trade Unions work at the political level to negotiate new rules and the modification of existing rules with the Commission, to ensure that staff have the necessary working conditions to support the Commission’s objective of having “a modern, effective and dynamic organisation, fit for the challenges of the 21st century.”

The Local Staff Committees (of which there are 8, representing different locations of the Commission) are made up of directly elected members who have been proposed by the Unions. The role of a LSC (CLP in French) is to negotiate with the Commission to ensure that the rules governing local issues are respected.

The Central Staff Committee is made up of members mandated from the LSCs. The role of the CSC (CCP in French) is to negotiate with the Commission on overarching issues relative to all staff.


Join R&D now !

Membership gives strength and strength gives the power to negotiate

Make your voice heard!

Join now!

« often referred to as OSPs - Les Organisations Syndicales et Professionnelles

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