Tighten your belts.  Reform is on the way!
Brussels, Septemberr 2002

The impact of the reform is upon us: staff will start being subject to the first budgetary restrictions in 2003! 

That is the long and the short of the agreements signed by the two trade unions that support the Kinnock reform.

Adjustments to salaries for the period July-December 2003 will be held over until 1 January 2004 staff are already beginning to pay the cost of the reform.

On the basis of budgetary forecasts for 2003, WE WILL THEREFORE LOSE, in the best-case scenario, the ADJUSTMENT TO OUR SALARIES for SIX MONTHS.

The administration, positively overjoyed by this windfall, has already set to work translating this into budgetary terms.

Here are the appropriations forecast for 2003 in two Institutions (the Commission and the European Parliament) for the application of the method of adjusting our salary:


A-1 1 9 1 Possible adjustments to salaries

Appropriations 2003 Appropriations 2002  


17 936 000  

And that means: Appropriations for 2003 = 0 


As for the possibility that the method may be re-applied, the draft budget in its first reading in the European Parliament states that no appropriation for adjusting salaries has been budgeted for, because the method of adjustment will cease to be used on 30 June 2003.

In other words, a saving of €6.5 million earmarked for the buildings policy.

On the subject of savings, R&D would like to know how the temporary contribution has been used during the last few years. When the method was last re-negotiated ten years ago, the trade unions at the time agreed not to get rid of the temporary contribution on the express condition that the sums identified would be earmarked on Community initiatives aimed mainly at reducing youth unemployment in Europe.

The Executive Committee

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Membres du Comité Exécutif: Ianniello Franco, Adurno Giuseppe, Zorbas Gerassimos, Ravagli Alessandra, Uguccioni Bruno, Docherty Michael, Vassila-Souyoul Erica, Bochu Claude, Drevet Jean-François, Napolitano Raffaele, Crespinet Alain, Sybren Singelsma, Paul Frank, Panarisi Edi, Sperling Christiane, Domingos Dias.