Brussels, 3 October 2001
Mr Robert Verrue
Director-General, DG INFSO

Re: Vacancy COM/R/8028/01 at A3 "Improving human capital in research"

Dear Director-General

R&D has read the vacancy referred to above, and has looked at the organigram of your Directorate-General with great interest.

A cursory examination would suggest that the INFSO/F/5 Unit officially consists of five posts, including that of the Head of Unit and his secretary. In practice, though, only two people are assigned to the Unit.

Furthermore, from an equally speedy perusal of the lengthy description of tasks, it would not appear that the Unit plays a strategic role in the Directorate-General.

R&D has bent over backwards to try and understand the real reason behind the publication of this post at Level A3, but having sadly failed to establish to our satisfaction that the Unit’s size and strategic importance justify the nomination of a Head of Unit at Grade A3, we are looking to DG ADMIN, the guardian body that ensures that the nomination procedures are strictly complied with, to help us make sense of this decision.

In the meantime, R&D has peered into its precious crystal ball and found that this post is pre-destined for one of your closest collaborators. Far be it from us to conclude that the advice from our crystal ball on this occasion could possibly be reliable. If so, this fortunate (and undoubtedly competent) colleague would – after spending a brief period at the head of this "strategically important" Unit – of course return to his former duties without delay.

Thus this outstanding official, currently a Head of Unit on A4, would therefore win rapid promotion to A3 (under the fast-track application that is likely to come out of the reform), without having to waste precious time on lengthy and oh-so-bureaucratic CCN procedures.

Accordingly, and without waiting for the outcome of the nomination procedures, we at once took appropriate steps to ensure that the advice that our crystal ball gives us is once again reliable.

At all events, we wish to confirm that R&D – with the help of its crystal ball or in spite of it – will continue to leave no stone unturned in helping colleagues, AIPNs and the Institution to respect the letter – and the spirit – of the nomination procedure.

Yours sincerely

Franco Ianniello

cc Mr Kinnock, Vice-President
Mr Liikanen, Commissioner
Mr O’ Sullivan, Secretary-General
Mr Reichenbach, Director-General ADMIN
Commission staff

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Membres du Comité Exécutif: Ianniello Franco, Adurno Giuseppe, Zorbas Gerassimos, Ravagli Alessandra, Uguccioni Bruno, Docherty Michael, Vassila-Souyoul Erica, Bochu Claude, Drevet Jean-François, Napolitano Raffaele, Crespinet Alain, Sybren Singelsma, Paul Frank, Panarisi Edi, Sperling Christiane, Domingos Dias.