16 July 2001 |
The upcoming holidays
arent affecting the efficiency of the R&D
crystal ball.
Mr. Romano Prodi Dear President Prodi R&D has pleasure in placing its clairvoyant talents with regard to appointments at your disposal. Obviously, we are not seeking any special reward for the savings that we are offering the Commission as external experts. We are fully aware of how precious the senior hierarchy's time is, and we would like to spare Commissioners pointless meetings. As officials and citizens, recognition on the part of the tax-payer acknowledges that we are doing the right thing is enough. Our skills are now widely recognised. For example, may we remind you that R&D has already predicted numerous appointments, including several Heads of Unit in DG RTD, a Director in DG MARKT, the Deputy Director-General of Internal Audit, the Director-General of DG ECFIN, and the Director of the CCR/ISPRA. The principles developed in the White Paper, particularly those relating to the transparency and objectivity of procedures, are flouted, and we are delighted to be able to say that everyone has a lot more confidence in our crystal ball. For the next vacancy as Director-General of DG Environment (COM/154/01 - applications deadline: 19/07/01), R&D has already guessed which the preferred candidate is. (The details of this person have not been circulated as R&D do not want to jeopardise this candidate's chances by circulating them to all staff.) We suggest, in the spirit of camouflaged transparency, that the following selection criteria are used for the post that has fallen vacant following application of Article 50 (allowances cheerfully paid by the Commission following application of this Article come out of the pensions budget - for which we are being asked to make larger contributions ):
We no longer have to prove the effectiveness of our crystal ball. R&D is becoming increasingly convinced that this Commission has no wish to put an end to the old practices, or to carry out genuine administrative reform We send you our very best wishes, and assure you that we are ready and willing to work with you on genuine reform. Yours sincerely, cc European Commissioners |
Pour adhérer à R&D/To join R&D : envoyez ce talon à/send this stub to: Marina OGLE L
102 7/12 |
Membres du Comité Exécutif: Ianniello Franco, Adurno Giuseppe, Zorbas Gerassimos, Ravagli Alessandra, Uguccioni Bruno, Docherty Michael, Vassila-Souyoul Erica, Bochu Claude, Drevet Jean-François, Napolitano Raffaele, Crespinet Alain, Sybren Singelsma, Paul Frank, Panarisi Edi, Sperling Christiane, Domingos Dias. |