" The Commission is changing everything, but without involving the staff ..."
Brussels, 19 October 1999

R&D, is convinced that, in order to achieve constructive reforms, the staff and its representatives need to be strongly involved, without, moreover, artificial divisions (senior management and the rest, operational, linguistic and research careers, so-called majority unions and the others, etc.)

R&D is therefore organising a number of decentralised meetings in various Commission buildings, in order for staff :

- to give voice to their concerns and exchange information on ongoing reforms

- to get organised, making sure, in particular, that the so-called « comités d’accompagnement » which are set up in the DGs affected can be given a mandate by all the staff, in order to maximise our ability to defend threatened colleagues effectively;

- to make decisions, together with the staff and/or the other Unions, regarding the organisation of a General Assembly.

The first such meeting -DGX/XXII- will take place on the 27th of October on 1.00pm at Van Maerlandt 2/2

Subsequent ones will be announced by means of tracts to the staff.

Come along and make your voice heard.

R&D was one of the first to wish President Prodi and the new Commission luck, in the hope that, at last :

- the European construction might once again recover its momentum;

- the Civil Service might be freed from the rule of caprice and the arrogance of the « feudal lords » who, just like in the Middle Ages, could do whatever they pleased with their « subjects ».

However, R&D is obliged to note that, in the context of the "restructuring":

- we are submerged with information which is often content-free ;

- a considerable number of colleagues are treated as pawns that can be moved around or even sacrificed at will;

- despite the formal undertaking of the new Commission to be rigorous in appointments, certain happy individuals are still being « parachuted », even from outside the institution, haphazardly onto senior management positions – just like we witnessed under the last Commission which was forced to resign.

And so, sad to say, begins the life of the new Commission, with acts which are often incomprehensible to most of us, and which at times are even more tinted by arbitrariness than they were in the past !

R&D wonders if this Commission, which has sacked a number of Directors general who did not have poor professional records, whilst holding onto others who who came badly out of the first « Wise Men’s » report, will be similarly unscrupulous in getting rid of officials who are less in the limelight.

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Executive Board members: Ianniello Franco, Adurno Giuseppe, Zorbas Gerassimos, Ravagli Alessandra, Uguccioni Bruno, Docherty Michael, Vassila-Souyoul Erica, Bochu Claude, Drevet Jean-François, Napolitano Raffaele, Prade Jacques, Crespinet Alain, Sybren Singelsma, Paul Frank, Panarisi Edi, Sperling Christiane.
Co-opted member : Domingos Dias.